Dungeons and Tables Part 2

TL;DR – I replaced the removable trays with a french cleat system for more freedom in positioning trays and cup holders.


In Part 1 I explained how I made the original version of this table.  The plans for the base table can be found on Ana-White.com.  It’s a simple plan that doesn’t require anything fancy. You can cut everything with a hand saw if you want, or have Lowes do all the cuts for you. From there I added removable trays and a plexiglass panel/screen.

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Dungeons and Tables Part 1


Behold! The everyman’s gaming table. Complete with mismatching stain, visible screws, poorly measured cuts and after-market mods.


I am not a professional, semi-professional or hobbyist wood-worker.  I’m just a guy who sometimes builds things because I’m curious or because I need to.  Also, this has been done many other times by other people, and much better.  This is just the story of my own take on it.


I said in my last post that sometimes I randomly receive visions from the Overmind come up with an idea and obsess over it until I do something about it.  Well this is kind of one of those ideas. Continue reading