How to Prep for running Deep Carbon Observatory

how i prepped for deep carbon observatory


Deep Carbon Observatory is a great module, but it’s missing an important component. The content is fresh and interesting and not the same “there’s a cult and you have to stop it” thing you always see in WotC’s stuff. It’s got it’s own thing going. It treats you like an adult.

20170711 Update: added pictures of minimaps and annotations. Linked to Claytonian’s version of the dungeon map.


The UX needs work. (But, really, that’s unremarkable. Most modules suffer from the same flaw and require the same work to deal with.)

I’m going to talk about how I prepped for running DCO, but this should be applicable to running pretty much any other module that’s not engineered to be run on the first read. Continue reading

Dungeons and Tables Part 2

TL;DR – I replaced the removable trays with a french cleat system for more freedom in positioning trays and cup holders.


In Part 1 I explained how I made the original version of this table.  The plans for the base table can be found on  It’s a simple plan that doesn’t require anything fancy. You can cut everything with a hand saw if you want, or have Lowes do all the cuts for you. From there I added removable trays and a plexiglass panel/screen.

Continue reading

Dungeons and Tables Part 1


Behold! The everyman’s gaming table. Complete with mismatching stain, visible screws, poorly measured cuts and after-market mods.


I am not a professional, semi-professional or hobbyist wood-worker.  I’m just a guy who sometimes builds things because I’m curious or because I need to.  Also, this has been done many other times by other people, and much better.  This is just the story of my own take on it.


I said in my last post that sometimes I randomly receive visions from the Overmind come up with an idea and obsess over it until I do something about it.  Well this is kind of one of those ideas. Continue reading