65 – ggnoRE:HYPEing Stay Frosty, Arlin Ortiz, Trollsmyth

Lots of interesting stuff to talk about this week: Stay Frosty, a stylish illustrator, some movement bragging, and a couple D&D utilities. Check below the image for details and links.

Stay Frosty

Stay Frosty is Casey Garske’s ode to AliensStarship Troopers, etc. The blurb:

The bugs are through the perimeter, the gates of hell have opened, the mothership is landing, and the Captain’s brain got sucked out…there’s only one thing you can do, Marine…Stay Frosty.

Stay Frosty is an OSR game of future marines versus whatever the universe can throw at them. Use these rules to play games in the style of your favorite military sci-fi movies and video games. PC’s will have to balance escalating tension and dwindling resources against staying Frosty to complete their missions.

Daniel’s read it and written up a scenario overview and had a blast doing it. We’ll probably record a session of our playthrough on the show.

Grab it from drivethrurpg/rpgnow here.

Arlin Ortiz

Arlin Ortiz is a fantastic artist who makes beautiful overland maps, as well as character-ful monster illustrations.

Check out his map blog, patreon, website, and print gallery.


Trollsmyth had an OSR brag-piece we enjoyed over at his blog.

WTF Is My D&D Character?

This web app generates spicy D&D character concepts in one click.

Digital Dungeon Master

Digital Dungeon Master (not Digital Foundry, as we say in the show) has a bunch of pregen 5e D&D character sheets in PDF for your convenience.

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“Lewis and Dekalb” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Episode images taken from Stay Frosty‘s product page and from Arlin’s patreon.

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